This is for people who are relatively new to wallpaper or haven't purchased home decor wallpaper in a long time. Consider this a quick a refresher course that will save you a lot of time and aggravation! It will take you less than three minutes to read and make your experience, whether you buy from us or someone else, a whole lot easier.
First, you need to determine the approximate budget you want to spend. If money isn't an issue, then skip this step. Most rooms will take 6 single rolls to wallpaper and the average price of wallpaper is $35 per roll. So, your typical person will be looking at $210 for the wallpaper. Just remember that not all rooms are the same and your specific amount of wallpaper needed may vary.
Are you going to hang the wallpaper yourself or hire someone? We recommend hiring a professional paperhanger. This will add another $200-$300 to the total cost. This isn't something you will have to do for years to come and an experienced hanger will make sure it's done right. However, many patterns are made for the average person, without any prior know-how, to be able to hang without any assistance. The whole manufacturing process has changed over the last 20 years and wallpaper is made now to easily go up and come down without taking apart your entire drywall.
Determine the wallpaper color
Don’t rely on someone else to tell you the color of the wallpaper you see online. Everyone’s concept of color is different. What may be a true-blue color to you could looks slightly more turquoise to someone else. Purchasing a sample of the patterns you are interested in first is the best way to match up the color perfectly and know what you’re getting before you purchase it.
It makes no difference if you go into an actual store (although there aren't many left) or buy your wallpaper online. You need to purchase a sample and bring it to your home. Hold it to the wall. Visualize it. Do not expect the image you see on the computer screen to be the exact representation of what the pattern looks like. It's a digital copy and may look different. And again, don’t rely on someone else (i.e. customer service) to tell you what the color of a particular wallpaper is. Color is subjective to each person and different people can see colors differently than others. The only way to truly know what you’re getting is to order a sample of the wallpaper first!
Cleaning and Maintaining Wallpaper
Regular cleaning with a vacuum and soft brush attachment is recommended, especially with textured wallpaper. Washable or scrubbable wallpaper can be cleaned with soap and water (no bleach or strong cleaning chemicals or abrasive cleaners). Some textured or paper materials can't be washed.
Another way to preserve your wallpaper is by using corner guards. They're designed specifically to protect outside or inside corners from tearing. Guards may be clear or paintable.