Wallpaper is now a must-have product for home decoration. Today there are actually four different types of wallpaper, each one with their own sets of pros and cons. For a better look at what your options are, here are the things you need to know about the four different types of wallpapers.
Paper Wallpaper
Easily the most well-known kind of wall covering, paper wallpaper refers to wallpaper that is made entirely of paper without any coating on it. Without anything to help preserve the paper, it is easily damaged and difficult to clean. If you try to use a damp cloth to clean it, the paper will likely tear.
This vinyl wallpaper is made of vinyl, with waterproof characteristics, easy to clean. Self-adhesive contact paper, easy to install.
Rooms where it gets moist should have this kind of wallpaper, such as the bathroom or kitchen. The vinyl coat protects the patterns and paper from water damage, although you should keep it as dry as possible.
PVC Wallpaper
PVC Wallpaper is a fantastically versatile collection that is perfect for providing a strong textural quality to your walls while seamlessly recreating a rustic effect for your interiors.
Our unique European PVC Wallpaper is environmentally friendly, easy to install, easy to use. It inhibits bacterial growth, stains and mold growth. Beige wallpaper is strong adhesion. The surface wear-resistant, easy to handle. wallpaper surface has also been texture treatment. Easy to install, peel and stick, removable without residue, without damaging your things.
Solid Vinyl
Similar to coated fabric, solid vinyl has a fabric base. The difference is in the vinyl – it uses a solid vinyl that can withstand water and scrubbing. It is the best solution in rooms with heavy traffic (and children) because it is strong and resistant to damage. However, it is not necessary in many instances as it is designed for durability under tougher situations, not common daily use.